When was the last time the most practically chosen “middle” candidate won? Modale/Ferraro? Bob Dole? Mitt Romney?
On face value it seemed sheer fantasy that someone named Barak Hussien Obama would win the presidency over a war veteran named John McCain. At one point it seemed insanity that the country would ever vote an ex b-movie actor to be president.
And needless to say all those combined paled in comparison to Donald Trump being elected president over the “most qualified candidate ever.”
And now the democrats are as desperate to win as they were in 2004, that they only want someone who data control tells them will win. Not someone they believe in.
Hillary Clinton was never gonna be president. Neither was Jeb Bush. Neither was/is Biden. It’s either going to go radically left or radically right. The country was sick of middle incremental politics of Obama. It was either going to be the Jewish Socialist or the Orange Facsist. The DNC made sure the former wasn’t even going to be a choice. Hence the latter was the only option.
And it’s going to be the same in 2020. It will either be Bernie vs Trump, or Trump vs a sacrificial goat.